Environment & Climate Change

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Paper - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School

Climate Change Requires New Approaches to Disaster Planning and Response

  • David J. Hayes
| June 2023

To date, most of the climate policy attention has been focused on the need to reduce the greenhouse gases that are causing climate change and, as a corollary, to accelerate the U.S. economy’s transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. Yet climate change also is straining our nation’s emergency response capabilities as traditional climate-infused disasters such as hurricanes and floods become more frequent and destructive. At the same time, the emergency response community faces new challenges as slower-to-develop climate impacts like drought, heat, and wildfire increasingly are hitting an acute tipping points and becoming life- and livelihood-threatening disasters.

An October 2018 thunderstorm storm damaged several buildings and temporarily flooded  the flight line at Laughlin Air Force base in Texas. 

U.S. Air Force/Airman 1st Class Marco A. Gomez

Analysis & Opinions - The Washington Post

What Do You Do When Your Hurricane Backup Plan is Under Water?

| Sep. 04, 2019

Juliette Kayyem explains why the White House’s decision to divert funds from the military to support border wall funding is not only unsound policy but also dangerous. First, the White House last week moved $271 million in Department of Homeland Security funding, a majority of which was allocated for FEMA planning and response, to support border wall construction; this week, the defense secretary authorized more than $3 billion in military funds for barrier construction. Those funds were designated for military construction and upgrades — the very funds Congress designates to keep its bases at full readiness.