Conflict & Conflict Resolution

5 Items

Audio - Harvard Environmental Economics Program

Assessing the Impacts of the 2020 U.S. Election on Climate Policy: A Conversation with Lisa Friedman

| Oct. 30, 2020

New York Times reporter Lisa Friedman, who covers climate and environmental policy, discusses the potential impacts of the 2020 U.S. elections on the future of climate policy in the latest episode of Environmental Insights, a podcast produced by the Harvard Environmental Economics Program.

Audio - Harvard Environmental Economics Program

Confronting COVID-19: A Conversation with Columbia University Professor Scott Barrett

| Mar. 27, 2020

Columbia University Professor Scott Barrett assessed the massive global efforts underway to address COVID-19 and the potential impacts of the pandemic on our lives in the future in a special episode of “Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program.

- Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center Newsletter

New Fellows Pandith and Ramesh Enrich Dialogue on Critical Issues from Extremism to Climate Change

| Fall/Winter 2014 - 2015

Farah Pandith, America’s first special representative to Muslim communities, joined the Belfer Center this fall as a Fisher Family Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project and as a senior fellow with the Middle East Initiative. Jairam Ramesh, a member of Parliament from Andhra Pradesh, India, and a leader in international climate negotiations, joined the Belfer Center this fall as a 2014 Fisher Family Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project.

- Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School Quarterly Journal: International Security

Belfer Center Newsletter Spring 2011

| Spring 2011

The Spring 2011 issue of the Belfer Center newsletter features recent and upcoming activities, research, and analysis by members of the Center community on critical global issues. This issue highlights the Belfer Center’s continuing efforts to build bridges between the United States and Russia to prevent nuclear catastrophe – an effort that began in the 1950s. This issue also features three new books by Center faculty that sharpen global debate on critical issues: God’s Century, by Monica Duffy Toft, The New Harvest by Calestous Juma, and The Future of Power, by Joseph S. Nye.

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- Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School

Belfer Center Newsletter Winter 2007-08

| Winter 2007-08

The Winter 2007-08 issue of the Belfer Center newsletter features recent and upcoming research, activities, and analysis by Center faculty, fellows, and staff on critical global issues. Belfer Center experts discuss the U.S.-China relationship and the role of religion in international affairs as well as other critical national and international issues.