Analysis & Opinions

206 Items

bald eagles and crows at Juneau dump

Wikimedia Commons/Gillfoto

Analysis & Opinions - New Security Beat

Solving Municipal Solid Waste Management Challenges in Arctic Cities

| June 26, 2023

Unlike industrial and other forms of pollution, the long-standing, pervasive problem of municipal solid waste in Arctic cities receives comparatively little attention. As rapid warming in the region compromises existing waste disposal methods such as landfills, Arctic cities will need to develop comprehensive solid waste management strategies for the health of residents and the environment.


Uganda's Minister of Health stands next to a box of vaccine labeled with World Health Organization Uganda on it

AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda

Analysis & Opinions - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School

2022 Uganda Ebola Outbreak: Select Lessons Learned

| Apr. 17, 2023

On September 20, 2022, the Uganda declared an outbreak of Sudan ebolavirus in the Mubende District. It was the country’s first Sudan ebolavirus outbreak in a decade, and its fifth of this kind of Ebola. In total during this outbreak, there were 164 cases (142 confirmed and 22 probable), 55 confirmed deaths and 87 recovered patients. Due to the Ugandan Government’s successful containment of the outbreak including with support from the World Health Organization and other public health partners, there were no documented cases of international transmission of the Sudan Ebolavirus. The outbreak was declared over on January 11, 2023, nearly 17 weeks after its detection.

Sri Lankan port workers hold a Chinese national flag to welcome Chinese research ship

AP/Eranga Jayawardena, File

Analysis & Opinions - Project Syndicate

Peak China?

| Jan. 03, 2023

Joseph Nye writes: From an American perspective, it is just as dangerous to underestimate Chinese power as it is to overestimate it. While hysteria creates fear, discounting China's recent progress and future ambitions could lead the United States to squander its own long-term advantages.

A sign stands outside Seattle Children's Hospital

AP/Elaine Thompson, File

Analysis & Opinions - CNN

I'm an Epidemiologist, and My Daughter’s RSV Case Shook Me

| Nov. 18, 2022

Syra Madad writes that it's impossible to know what impact the COVID-19 virus will have next, but with signs of increased flu activity ahead of the holiday season, coupled with the increasing burden of RSV, healthcare systems should be bracing for more impact to come. She urges everyone to do their part and help reduce the spread of RSV, get vaccinated against seasonal flu and stay up-to-date with their Covid-19 vaccination.

There is a circular multicolor polio virus particle in the middle.

Sarah Poser, Meredith Boyter Newlove/CDC via AP, File

Analysis & Opinions - CNN

How a virus seemingly returned from the dead

| Aug. 15, 2022

Polio is a highly contagious virus that spreads through person-to-person contact (most commonly through contact with an infected person's poop). While most people who get infected do not experience any symptoms, about 1 in 4 people develop flu-like symptoms and a much smaller fraction of people (less than one in 100) develop more serious symptoms including paresthesia (feelings of pin and needles in legs), meningitis (infection of the covering of the spinal cord and/or brain) and paralysis. Among those paralyzed, 5% to 10% die when the virus affects their breathing muscles.